[JSR] What Courses Are LAUSD High School Students Taking This Year? (08/31)


2009년부터 시작한 중앙일보 학생기자 프로그램은 역사와 전통을 자랑합니다.

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Two Teenagers Bridge the Gap Between South Korea and the US (by Sooa Kim)

Sooa Kim / Grade 12 / Valencia High School

What Courses Are LAUSD High School Students Taking This Year? (by Eunice Minji Choi)

Eunice Minji Choi / Grade 11 / North Hollywood High School

How Books Are Criminally Underrated (by Aaron Kim)

Aaron Kim / Grade 10 / Cerritos High School

Weighing the Options of At-Home Exercise (by Audrey Park)

The Flashy First Game (by Ashley Seong)

Bike-Sharing Program in China (by Hajoon Song)