[JSR] From Lab to Symposium: My Summer as a BUGS Jr. Participant (08/22)


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A Second Home: Los Angelos’ Intuit Dome (by Audrey Park)

From Lab to Symposium: My Summer as a BUGS Jr. Participant (by Claire Lee)

VeeCon 2024 Working as a Brand Ambassador (by Jenna Kim)

COSMOS: What It’s Like To Be a College Student for a Month (by Theo Lim)

Rethinking Summer Work: Balancing Academics and Rest (by Crystal Her)

Become A Volunteer at Huntington Hospital! (by Bailee Kim)

Flight Delay: Being Held on a Plane for 3 Hours Before Deplaning (by Zoe Lok)

Chino Hills: Concerts in the Park (by Kaylyn Wee)

Vacation Bible School Led by High School Students (by Jayden Eom)