“Anyone Python Season 3 – Core Python”.. ‘코딩’ 온라인 무료 강좌

“Anyone Python Season 3 – Core Python”
2021 Anyone Python is online “Basic Python” class using Zoom for ALL (students and parents). In this online class, you will learn ‘Basic Python’ and ‘Intro Computer Science’ informal way. No curriculum, No textbook, No grade, No PPT files, No materials, No stress. You need only a computer.
Season 3 deals with a basic Python to learn core Python programming language. Anyone Python S03 is focusing on core parts of programming language including variable, control flow and data structure as well as introductory CS.
– Who: ANYONE including elementary, middle or high school. Even parents are welcome. No CS background.
– What: Computer Science with Basic Python, but informal way.
– When: Every Friday 8:00 PM ~ 9:00 PM (EST, i.e., NY time)
– Period: from January 15 (Friday), 2021 (10 weeks)
– How: using ZOOM (Instructor will provide a zoom link to you after the registration)
– Cost: FREE !!
– Instructor: Prof. Jeongkyu Lee (University of Bridgeport)
*재미정보과학기술자협회 회장을 역임했던 이정규 박사의 ‘무료 온라인 코딩 강좌’가 오는 1월 15일부터 열립니다. 이 박사는 코로나 사태 전 중앙일보가 여름마다 페퍼다인대학에서 진행한 ‘컴퓨터·데이터 사이언스 캠프’의 지도 교수이기도 합니다. Edu Bridge+ 독자 여러분의 많은 참여 바랍니다.
이미지: 문구: 'During COVID-19 ONLINE ANY ANYONE PYTHON Season 03 Core Python Welcome Friday MแHมD 8 PM EST Cost: FREE When: Jan. 15 (Fri) Who: Anyone How: ZOOM online 2021 Instructor: Prof. Jeongkyu Lee (Univ. of Bridgeport) TA: Eunji Lee (CS, Junior at Stanford University) Trinity Chung (Senior at La Canada High School) Registration: https://bit.ly/AnyPythonReg Home Page: https://bit.ly/AnyPython Question: ydsbridgeport@gmail.com'