매주 목요일자 중앙일보 본국판 신문에 게재되는 기사는 www.KoreaDailyUS.com (중앙일보 영어 사이트)에도 동시 게재됩니다.

How to Use Your Senior Year Wisely (by Sujin Kang)

New School Year, New Freshmen! (by Tiffany Park)

Hardware Maintenance: Computers Need Cleaning Too (by Sander Im)

Teaching English to Guatemala Students (by Hajoon Song)

Balancing Cell Phone Use in California Classroom (by Abigail Ro)

Should Teenagers be Allowed to Carry Guns? (by Kaylyn Yu)

The Dangers of YouTube Kids (by Chloe Je)

The Journeys of an Artist (by Olivia Lee)

Weekly Flea Market on the Lower East Side (by Ivy Jihu Kim)